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The violin is a stringed bowed musical instrument. It has 4 strings (sometimes 5 when a lower alto string is added) that are strung across the neck. Has a high register. The soundboard (body) of the violin is made of wood, mainly maple and spruce. Due to the need for increased strength of the neck of the instrument, tk. it is erased due to contact with the strings, it is made of rosewood. The sound of the violin depends on the type of wood and the quality of the wood used, because the soundboard is the main resonator - a device that reproduces sounds of certain frequencies and amplifies them. The bow used for sound production is a small cane with more than 100 horsehairs stretched over it.

By its origin, the violin is a folk instrument. The prototypes are folk instruments from Germany, Spain and Arab countries. They were used in most cases by itinerant musicians.

The violin acquired its modern look in Italy in the 16th century through the efforts of Gasparo da Salo. At this time, a sample of the classical violin was invented, because. the violin began to enjoy great popularity. The first modern violin was produced by the Amati family, led by Andrea Amati. Their instruments were well-shaped and made from the finest woods. Nicolo Amati is the teacher of the famous Antonio Stradivari. His violins are highly valued even today, and their quality is considered unsurpassed. They are in the hands of only the best musicians in the world. For example, the virtuoso violinist of our time, David Garrett.

According to experts, the best violin makers were in Italy. The technology of making tools was a secret, very often they were passed down only by inheritance. The most famous and one of the most talented and virtuoso classical violinists is Niccolò Paganini. He was an innovator and possessed a stunning unique technique. They said about Paganini that he made a deal with the devil, people did not believe that a person was capable of mastering a musical instrument so skillfully without supernatural help.

The violin is still very popular today. For her, works were written in completely different genres, including modern music. Even today, there is still no high-quality equipment that can synthesize the perfect violin sound. Therefore, even now it can be safely called a unique musical instrument.

Lebedeva Olga
Lebedeva Olga

My research interests include programming languages -> С++, Python, Java